We believe that a ‘Sound mind resides in a healthy body’. At Vaishnavi Eminent, Academic learning and sports education complement each other as sports teaches the child, life-skills like teamwork, sportsmanship, esprit de corps and the critical skill of balancing both success and failure positively.

We believes that physical education not only helps enhance overall health and motor skills but also helps and sharpens students learning ability. Respect, sportsmanship and fair-play are the foundation of our physical education programme. At Millennium Group of Schools, these skills are being inculcated through sports like cricket, football, basketball, badminton, table-tennis, volleyball, chess, and athletics. Swimming, shooting, lawn tennis, hockey, gymnastics and horse-riding facilities are also available in most of our schools.

There are plenty of talented people in the world. As we already know, talent is not enough. Some of the athletes with the most potential never pan out. What separates the good from the great is determination and work ethic.

"The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty."